
Effluent Treatment Plants

Detailed design of industrial effluent treatment plants is of utmost importance and be best left to specialists. Most industries produce some wastewater as an undesirable by-product. Recent trends have been to minimize such production or to recycle treated wastewater within the production process.

The different types of contamination of wastewater require a variety of strategies to remove the contamination. KREYWIN has proven expertise in the removal of solids, oil and grease, biodegradable organics, toxic materials, acids and alkalies for almost all industries. Our products include filtration, clarification systems, biological treatment (anaerobic and aerobic), dewatering, disinfection, ion exchange, carbon filtration, water reuse, reverse osmosis and other technologies for removing impurities from water.

KREYWIN offer an exhaustive range of effluent treatment plants that is highly efficient. The effluent treatment plant is designed to treat the effluent coming from different areas of the plant. The treatment of different effluents varies with the type of effluent. Industrial wastewater contains a diversity of impurities and therefore for this reason alone, its treatment constitutes a special task. Our expertise is advantageously employed for the technical and economic optimisation of every subsequent facility. The treatment process may contain mechanical, biological and chemical physical process steps.

Our capabilities include solutions for following industries textile, paper & pulp, dairy, food & beverages, electroplating, pharmaceutical, chemical, semi-conductor, automobile, rice mills, distilleries, tanneries, hospitals, slaughter houses, metal processing, surface coating, cooling tower blowdowns, soap & oil industries and many more.

Some processes followed by us are:

  • Primary Treatment
  • Screening And Grit Removal
  • Oil & Grease Traps
  • Clarification – Coagulation And /Settling
  • Physio-Chemical Precipitation
  • DAF – Dissolved Air Flotation

  • Secondary Treatment
  • Aerobic Reactor
  • MBBR
  • SBR
  • ASP
  • SAFF
  • Aeration Lagoons
  • Anearobic Reactors
  • UASB
  • Digestors
  • Septic Tanks
  • Physio-Chemical Precipitation
  • Chemical Dosing Systems
  • Flocculator / Flash Mixer
  • Tube & Lamella Settlers
  • Clarifiers, HRSCC
  • Reaction Tanks & Agitators
  • Batch Reactors

  • Tertiary Treatment
  • Filtration
  • Gravity, Media, Sand, Carbon Etc
  • Micron Filtration
  • Ultra Filtration
  • MBR
  • Disinfection
  • Ozonation
  • UV
  • Chlorination
  • TDS Reduction
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • De-Mineralizers
  • 25, Ojo Olagun close, off Bishop Oluwole st,
    Victoria Island Lagos Nigeria