
Waste Water Treatment

Waste water is any form of used water. Human activity generates wastewater by use of fresh water in domestic applications or in industrial processes. When left untreated and discharged in to natural sources, wastewater depletes fresh water sources and has a detrimental impact on the environment.

To maintain an ecological balance between industrial, human and natural use, it has become essential to collect and treat wastewater for suitable reuse or discharge. Today, wastewater has become a valuable resource for industries.

The effluents or the liquid waste generated by industrial, commercial or domestic establishments are treated by variety of technologies to meet disposal norms as well as to recycle and reuse the treated effluents

The nature of effluents and the contaminants therein varies from case to case basis and we undertake detailed study of process and effluents to accurately design a solution to treat any effluent.

The methods used for waste water treatment can be classified as physical, chemical and biological unit processes. Basically, we provide two plants for waste water treatment mainly as Effluent Treatment and Sewage Treatment plant depending on the raw water quality and its purpose.

Some of the technologies and processes involved in treating waste water are:

  • Screening and Grit Removal
  • Physico-Chemical reactions
  • Coagulation and Settling
  • Dissolved Air Floatation
  • Electro-Coagulation
  • Photo-Oxidation
  • Advance Oxidation
  • Anaerobic Biological Process
  • Aerobic Biological Process
  • Membrane Reactors
  • Sludge Dewatering
  • Media Filtration and Absorption
  • Using these technologies, the contaminants like TSS, Oil & Grease, BOD, COD, Heavy Metals, Solvents, bacteria and viruses can be removed.

    The equipment and machinery involved in the above processes are:

  • Screen chambers
  • Grit removal chambers
  • Dosing systems
  • Flocculators
  • Tube Settlers
  • Reaction Tanks
  • Agitators
  • DAF clarifiers
  • Electro-coagulators
  • UV
  • Ozonators
  • Digesters
  • Septic tanks
  • UASB
  • SAFF
  • MBBR
  • MBR
  • Aeration Tanks
  • Lagoons
  • Filter Press
  • Filter bags
  • Belt Filter Press
  • Centrifuge driers
  • Media Filters
  • Resin Units etc.
  • 25, Ojo Olagun close, off Bishop Oluwole st,
    Victoria Island Lagos Nigeria