
Specialty Chemicals

SPECIALITY CHEMICALS - KREYWIN offers complete range of specialty chemicals & customized chemical treatment programmes for optimum plant performances.

A) Polyelectrolytes – Coagulants, Flocculants (Cationic, Anionic, Non-Ionic), Polyamine & Polydadmac

We offer range of polymers for solid-liquid separation to varied industries. Solid-liqu id separation is encountered in major industries such as chemicals, fertilisers, steel, paper and mineral processing. Our polymers are used in varying range of molecular weight and ionicity to suit specific application. polymers can be profitably used for

  • Treatment of industrial and potable water
  • Recycling of waste water
  • Recovery of valuable raw materials
  • Sludge thickening and dewatering for disposal, which meets the pollution control standards
  • We offer synthetic cationic polymers which are polyacrylamides with medium to high molecular weight and easily soluble in water. These are available in powder form in following ionic types

  • Cationic
  • Anionic
  • Non ionic
  • We also offer anionic emulsions for specific applications in water, waste water and process applications.

    Polymers are specially designed to improve the efficiency of solid-liquid separation in processes like:

  • Clarification
  • Sedimentation
  • Filtration
  • Sludge thickening
  • Dewatering
  • Centrifugation
  • C) Cooling Water treatment chemicals

    1) Open Loop Systems

    We offer a broad range of environmentally safe treatment programmes for open recirculating cooling water systems. Our range of scale & corrosion inhibitors chemicals control corrosion, scaling & fouling over a variety of water quality & system conditions. Our variety of biodegradeable biocides and biodispersants control growth of algae, fungi & bacteria.

  • Multipurpose Deposit and Corrosion Control Programmes
  • High Stress / Low Po4 Scale Inhibitors for Calciumcarbonate and Sulphate
  • Organic and Inorganic Corrosion Inhibitors for CS, MS, SS, Al And Yellow Metals
  • Dispersants
  • Silica Inhibitors
  • Biodispersants
  • Oxidising Biocides
  • Complete Range of Non-Oxidising Biocides
  • Deposit and Corrosion Inhibitors for Closed Systems
  • Potable Water Treatments
  • Chlorine Dioxide Generators
  • Resin Defoulants
    2) Close circuit corrosion & scale inhibitors We offer a complete range of corrosion inhibitors to control impingement & general corrosion.
  • Engine cooling systems
  • Hot water systems
  • Chilled water systems
  • Furnace cooling systems
    3) Once-Through Circulation systems We offer non polluting chemicals that improve cooling efficiency of cooling systems.
  • FDA approved potable water treatment
  • Metal sequestrants
  • Corrosion Inhibitors
  • Scale retardants
  • Antifoulant-dispersants
  • B)Boiler water treatment chemicals

    We offer a wide range of boiler water treatment programmes for low, medium & high- pressure boilers to prevent deposits and corrosion in pre-boiler, boiler & post-boiler systems.

  • Scale & Corrosion Control Treatment
  • Oxygen Scavengers
  • Coordinated Phosphate Based Treatment
  • All Volatile Treatment
  • All Polymer Treatment
  • Sludge Conditioner
  • Return Line Treatment Programmes
  • Alkalinity Builders – Organic and Inorganic
  • Antifoams
  • Complete condensate line treatment programmes to solve specific corrosion problems
  • Filming Amines
  • Neutralizing Amines
  • Combination of filing & neutralizing amines
  • D) RO cleaning Chemicals

    We offer versatile and wide product range of RO chemicals that helps protect membrane/filtration systems from fouling & scaling during operation & preservation.

  • NSF certified RO acidic Antiscalants for CaCO3, CaSO4, metal oxides & moderate silica inhibition
  • NSF certified RO alkaline Antiscalants for CaCO3, CaSO4, metal oxides & moderate silica inhibition
  • Acidic RO membrane cleaning chemicals for inorganic fouling
  • Alkaline RO membrane cleaning chemicals for organic fouling
  • RO membrane cleaning chemicals for bio-fouling
  • De-chlorinating & RO membrane preservation chemicals
  • RO permeate pH booster
  • E) Sugar & Distillery chemicals

  • Mill sanitization chemicals
  • Sugar enhancer
  • Flocculants & settling aids for juice clarification
  • Scale inhibitors for evaporators
  • Viscosity reducers
  • Color precipitant
  • Floatation aid
  • Enzymes & defoamers (for distillery fermenters)
  • F) Metal & Mining chemicals

  • General mining chemicals
  • Flocculants
  • Coal Dewatering flocculant
  • Coal Dewatering coagulant
  • Iron ore tailing thickener / pond flocculant
  • G) Refinery Chemicals

  • Sizing Chemicals
  • Dry Strength Resins – Cationic, Anionic and Amphoteric
  • Wet Strength Resins
  • Retention – Aid Additives / Fixatives
  • Deinking Chemicals
  • Slimicides
  • Felt Cleaning Chemicals
  • Enzymes – Refining, Bleaching and Deinking
  • Defoamers
  • Deposit Controllers
  • 25, Ojo Olagun close, off Bishop Oluwole st,
    Victoria Island Lagos Nigeria