
Membrane Processes Plants

Among the different membrane separation techniques, pressure-driven processes are simplest in terms of their ability to separate particulates in liquid and gas feed streams according to size.

KREYWIN is involved in manufacturing and supplying of a comprehensive range of Reverse Osmosis plants, Ultra-filtration plants, Nano-filtration plants, containerized water treatment plants, water purification systems etc.

The processes of water treatment in membran processes plants technology are broadly classified into the following

  • Microfiltration (MF) Plants
  • Ultrafiltration (UF) Plants
  • Nanofiltration (NF) Plants
  • Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plants

We carefully design the plants taking into consideration various aspects such as source of water, SDI, fouling potential, temperature, desired flux rates for specific applications, scaling potentials, hydraulic balancing, type of membranes, beta factor, LSI, pretreatment, automation etc so that the plants run smoothly for long durations.

Our core strength is designing an optimum system which can operate smoothly for longer durations. We provide reverse osmosis solutions for

  • Brackish water
  • Sea water desalination
  • Effluent re-cycle

25, Ojo Olagun close, off Bishop Oluwole st,
Victoria Island Lagos Nigeria